A boat ride in the ocean…

When we’re young, the future looks bright. We set our dreams and aspirations high and imagine a life of success and happiness. We imagine ourselves in different scenarios: leading big companies, saving lives, surrounded by a supportive and wonderful partner and crazy funny kids.

But sometimes, or even often, things don’t go as planned, and dreams do not come true. We get lost in life, time goes by, and we get disappointed by life, people, events or even ourselves.

We’ve all been there, even the strongest and most solid people among us have been there or even are still there—staring blankly at our lives and feeling that all-too-familiar confusion and uncertainty. We’re stuck, and it feels like we’re completely lost in life. We may have felt like we weren’t living up to our potential or that we’re not living the life we imagined for ourselves.

It’s a difficult place to be, and it can be hard to know how to move forward and what went wrong in our plans and aspirations.

What I’ve learned throughout all these years is that there isn’t one fit-for-all solution to all of us. We make the choice that determine the direction we take in this boat sailing in this immense mysterious ocean.  Life in fact is unpredictable and full of surprises. You never know what is around the next corner or over the horizon. The boat ride can be thrilling and adventurous, or it can be calm and peaceful. It all depends on the type of journey we embark on. We either take the easy route and drift with the current and let the waves take us wherever they choose, or we can embrace the adventure, take control of the wheel, find a way through the storm in search of new experiences or islands of opportunity and enjoy the journey or we could even stay within the safety of the harbor and enjoy the tranquility that comes with being at sea.

No matter what type of journey we choose, life is never without its hardships and struggles. And the ride can barely be as planned when facing choppy waters, strong currents and strong winds, in addition to the confusion in the vastness of the ocean.

Nevertheless, when the ride becomes confusing, never forget the beauty & moments offered by the journey that we might often take for granted. The horizon, the sunsets, the sunrises, the stars twinkling in the clear night sky – these are all small glimpses of life’s beauty. These moments remind us of the importance of slowing down and appreciating the beauty of the world around us, which adds to this journey a glimpse of magic.

One comment

  1. Wonderful, as usual, you are brilliant at using pictures and imagination to dive into the depths of reality. in my personal experience, life never ceases to surprise us, especially from the closest people around us.

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